A Day In The Psalms

Do you struggle to wake up and get out of bed in the morning? Every day is a battle facing impossible odds? Your faith feels cold and weak. Do you long for an assurance that all will be well?

The division we face in this nation has increased. Political disparity reigns. Civil debate seems a thing of the past. It’s become socially acceptable to denigrate others on social media. Instead of keeping our negative opinions close to the chest we think it’s acceptable to curse those who are on the polar opposite of our belief system.

A global agenda looms over us controlled by a few billionaires who seem to be gaining power in our government, our economy, our healthcare and even our children.

What we need is an ultimate truth to stake  our shaking world on. May I add, our shaking faith? A universal code to meditate on to rule over our tendencies to please ourselves.

A book like the bible.

When our girls were growing the house was filled with crafting, (our girls are crafty not me :) schoolwork, extra-curricular activities and their friends.

Except for church sermons and bible studies there seemed to be no time for private devotions or deep

Studies in the scripture. So the devotional journal and quick morning time outs for mom became the order of the day.

I loved it.

I was that ‘90’s Christian Stay- at -home mom that started the day pulling up shades singing “Rise and Shine.”

My kids teased me. But if I had a do over, I’d raise my kiddos with the same enthusiasm of the freedom of being a SAHM .

My husband chose an early retirement in 2020 and we’re now the parents of adult children. it’s quite different. I have time for those deep studies.

Yet I don’t.

Forty years on September 10, I came to know Jesus Christ as a personal Savior in my life. He has become my favorite person because I know I am his.

And I know he’s not watching how much time I spend in the bible. He’s not condemning me for my sin. He is simply waiting for me to spend time with him.

If you have not asked him to know him personally may I suggest you do so? He won’t make life easier for you. But, he will make it worthwhile. That’s another conversation for another time. If you’d like to talk about it more please email me.

I asked Jesus what we could do to celebrate him on Tuesday. I felt like I wanted to spend time with him. So I spent the day reading some of the book of Psalms. In that time, he showed me many things, refreshed my faith and gave me renewed hope.

Do you need hope? Do you need encouragement? A safe person to whom you can open up your heart?

Go to Him he’s waiting for you.

How do you spend time celebrating Jesus?

Kelly Anne LibertoComment