World Day Against Trafficking In Persons
As I’ve researched Human Trafficking I’ve discovered there are misconceptions about it.
One commonly held belief is that it only happens in other countries. In truth, the United States has one of the highest incidences of reported cases in the world.
In previous posts, I have reviewed great books on the topic. And discussed ways to help prevent it.
Today I want to discuss how to recognize signs of a trafficking victim .
Red flags to look for in a trafficked person~
Appear to have poor hygiene, malnourishment, bruises or improperly dressed.
Shows visible anxiety or depression
Appears to work excessive amounts of hours
Lives where they work
Afraid to talk or is not allowed to talk for themself.
Exhibits fear at the mention of law enforcement officials.
If you recognize any of these signs of modern day slavery please notify your local authorities.
Source :
Trafficked victims can be as close as your neighbor next door.