Spiritual Warfare: Opposition In Our Faith

When you think you could not be crushed in the same way. It happens, again.

Our hearts recover from the worst heartache only to be broken. Church hurt, broken families, work drama, loss of a loved one.

The world is a battleground.

Our bodies breakdown under the stress and bills pile up. Just when you think you’ve gotten ahead financially, another unforeseeable problem arises. Anxiety and stress become a familiar burden.

You say, ‘Lord how can this be possible? We’re obeying your commandments, reading the word, walking by the power of the Holy Spirit’.

How can a loving father allow unbearable sorrow?

Friend, in this world we’re promised by Jesus we’ll have many troubles.

When we’re true believers of the Lord Jesus Christ it’s a given.

I’m convinced as people watch our lives, our neighbors, co-workers and loved ones know we won’t retaliate. We’ll continue to love them despite their selfish acts, insults and rejection. Because he is love.

We follow him. And because we do we will be hated as he was hated. Persecuted, not to physical death or torture, yet, our reputation’s will be destroyed through slander and false accusations. All the while those who are hiding their sins are lying about us. Friends will betray us. Spouses will leave.

Our response has been made clear in the bible. To love those who curse us. Pray for those who mock us. Humble ourselves that we might not be caught up in a similar sin.

To God, our provider, who will give us all we need, we ask for the grace and provision we lack.

Why bother you might ask. For me, I have one desire. And that is to know him better.

If not through fellowship with others also with fellowship in his suffering.

It’s another choice. One not to be taken lightly.

When I first came to Christ in my twenties, I’d never felt so much peace and joy! All I could think about was ‘the incredible lightness of being in Jesus.’ Along with God’s presence, this phrase has stuck with me for the last forty years.

As I’ve studied the word of Jesus and lived through trials for him, I have failed. At times my heart has grown hard and cold from unbelief. The after effects of growing tired from the harshness of the world. Believing the lies of the enemy.

Discouragement is a true enemy for our soul. It’s a battle to continue to seek his face. When we fail he is there with open arms to welcome us back.

How can we withhold that same kind of forgiveness from others?

In April and June I experienced a wonderful response to a relaunch of Stealth. We had book signings in local book stores and sold many paperback copies.

I met readers and had the joy of reconnecting with old friends.

Most of the warfare I’ve endured in the last four years, I know, was a resistance to this beautiful gift from God. Hard work and persistence paid off. Ultimately, it was only through God and the help of dear friends, new readers and people like you that the book has been a success.

Even after after great success discouragement will creep in.

Our Pastor talked about this in his sermon. In God’s mercy and grace we know we’re not alone.

This remains true. He is ever faithful.

We know that there is one who has tried to imitate Jesus in all things. Christ over came satan on the cross at Calvary. Our Lord is forever the victor over the opposition holding us back.

Consider these actions when you’re feeling beaten down in your circumstances.

  1. Do the hard things to forgive, let go and start again.

  2. Remember you’re not alone. We’re commanded to share our burdens with one another. Your problem may be the thing a brother or sister needs to hear.

  3. Remember the amazing acts God has done for you in the past.

  4. Look to see how you can serve a friend and ask God how to help them through time, money or a kind word. Sometimes when we give another person what we so desperately need ourselves, miracles can happen.

  5. Let the problems go, fill your mind with scripture and praise instead. You’ll be amazed to see what God does next.

  6. Spend time with your heavenly father and receive all he has for you from the wealth of his presence. Let his healing flow. Rest.

And speaking of readers…

I’d like to give a shout out to reader Lisa Kornet who contacted me about Stealth. She said “I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your book, Stealth. It kept me turning the page, I could not put it down. Looking forward to your next book”. Thank you Lisa! What a thrill to hear from you.

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