HAVE YOU EVER FELT LIKE YOUR UNUSED GIFT WAS PUT IN THE TRASH? It may be time to give again! Freedom, Healing , Lifestyle, Devotions, Overcoming, Writers Life, Faith, Wholeness, Love, Encouragement, HopeKelly Anne LibertoMarch 30, 2022#faith, #encouragement, #giving, #overcoming, #hope, #healingComment
GOD IS CLOSE TO THE BROKENHEARTED Wellness, Inspirational Wellness, Overcoming, Faith, Wholeness, Hope, Encouragement, Healing , FreedomKelly Anne LibertoAugust 13, 2021#overcomingheartbreak, #faith, #healing, #restoration, #light, #emotions, #spiritualsolutions, #soul, #perseverance, #overcome, #wellness, #wholenessComment