What Not To Do During A Crisis

Crisis may be defined as ‘a dramatic emotional or circumstantial upheaval in a person's life.’ Or, at least that’s #3 on my dictionary app.

What do you do, think, or act like when you face upheaval in your life?

Maybe you’re like me and react emotionally? If it’s a loved one who has been hurt. A situation that effects your circle of friends how can one not feel their pain?

Perhaps you’re logical like my husband and you immediately seek a solid solution.

No one goes through this place called earth untouched by troubles.

John 16:33

I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

Troubles come in all packages including and not excluding others not mentioned:

Natural disasters like the recent L.A. fires.

Terminal diagnosis from the doctor.

Harmful behavior from a confused child.

Betrayal from a wayward spouse.

Financial loss from a company downsize.

And the list goes on.

What might be a small trial to one individual may feel catastrophic to another.

As Christians our first inclination is to go to the Father in prayer.

Then we will seek help from the experts.

But, what if we do all the right things, and our world comes crashing down anyway?

To save yourself from further heartache consider three actions not to do.

  1. It’s easy to look for blame. Don’t blame God. Pure and simple. He is a God of love, mercy and compassion. And he weeps with you. If you are facing consequences to wrongful actions then admit your fault and receive his grace.

  2. Don’t turn inward into condemnation. Beating yourself up solves nothing. As stated above acknowledge your part in the crisis you’ve reached, learn from your mistakes and move on.

  3. Don’t focus on what happened. Allow yourself the time to grieve, change and grow. Then eventually we can use this unthinkable challenge to mature us and make us a more compassionate human.