In a world of hurting people and broken promises where can you find true love?

The only place is in the heart of the Creator of love.

There are other gods that may satisfy. For awhile. Familiar, hard to get away from gods.

Like money. The love of which sources all  kinds of evil in this world.

The love of power which history proves ultimately leads to corruption.

Then there is lover of self. 

Much like Pinocchio on ‘ Pleasure Island’ we find temporary enjoyment in too much food, amusements, entertainment, fun.

Yet all of this leads back to our one true love and we begin again. With that recognition of having wandered from the greatest love on earth and in heaven. 

Bound by love. Bound by his love we have life. The grace to endure the painful disappointments and losses we inevitably face. We find the guidance to know how to live out the purpose for our lives. How to face the scary unknown. And the strength to love the worst in ourselves.

Where can you find comfort for your broken heart? Who will heal your wounds from sin? Who loves you still?

Look to Jesus. 

He is ready to take you back with open arms. 

Pray with me~

Bind us to your heart dear Lord. Make it so we cannot wander. Where can we go and what can we do that you have not already given? We have all we need bound by your great love. 

 God’s love for you is lavish. “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” (1 John 3:1 NIV)